🖥 Installing Mojo

Mojo Installation

System Requirements

Mojo is best installed on a fresh operating system. Debian (Ubuntu, Mint, etc.) and Fedora (RedHat, CentOS, Alma, Rocky, etc) distros have been tested. Other operating systems may work but have not yet been tested. If you are starting from scratch and don’t have a strong preference, the Mojo platform has been well tested on both ubuntu-22.04.03 and debian12 (bookworm). However, any OS that can satisfy the installation requirements should work. We recommend a dedicated machine for the Mojo Platform, although it is not required. All changes will be contained in the installation directory you choose during setup and the /tmp folder.

Please also refer to our “How Does Mojo Work” page for additional information.

Software Requirements

  1. Install Docker.

License Requirements

Register for a Mojo License Key from by clicking Download Free Trial on the upper right hand corner of our website. The Mojo License Key is required during the installation process and will be emailed to you after submitting the form. We offer a no-strings-attached free 30-day trial of the Mojo Platform. If you need more time to evaluate the product (we know how it goes) just shoot us a note at support@metify.io or open support chat in Discourse and we will be happy to extend your trial license. If you have already registered but have forgotten your License Key, just go ahead and fill out the form again and you will be emailed your License Key again.

Install Mojo

After satisfying the Software and License Requirements, you are ready to install Mojo! Run the following command to download and run the installer script. You will be prompted for a location to install Mojo.

curl -L -s https://download.metify.io/repository/filestore-external/mojo-installer/releases/latest/mojo-install | sudo bash

This will install some prerequisite system packages:

OS Command
Debian-based apt install -y bsdextrautils curl jq sudo bash lsof
RedHat-based dnf install -y util-linux curl jq sudo bash lsof

It will also download the mojo-setup.tgz package which brings us to:

Setup Mojo

Setup is run automatically during installation. If for some reason the installation failed or you need to setup Mojo again, you can run the setup script manually by going to your Mojo installation directory (default: /opt/mojo) and running setup:

cd /opt/mojo
sudo ./mojo-setup

This will create a series of files in the configs directory and save any existing configuration in a backup folder for safe keeping.

The setup process will check that the installation server has ports 80 and 443 available to bind to. To skip this check you can pass the skip-connection-check flag to the setup script: sudo ./mojo-setup -s.

Configure Mojo

Basic configuration is done automatically during setup. The configs/mojo.env file contains the most recent Mojo configuration. You can choose to re-run the ./mojo-setup script to update this file or edit it directly. Please be aware that any edits done manually to the file will be overwritten the next time ./mojo-setup is run and may not be compatible with the future releases of Mojo.

SSL Certificates

Mojo will automatically generate self-signed SSL certificates for you. If you would like to use your own certificates replace the files in configs/ssl/ with your own. The files should be named cert.crt and cert.key.

Run Mojo

When you are ready to run Mojo for the first time, execute the following command:

sudo ./mojo-launcher start mojo --update

This may take some time as it downloads all of the supporting Mojo Docker images. Once complete, you should be able to access Mojo at the hostname you configured Mojo with.

If Mojo is operating as expected with your hardware profile and you do not need any updates, you can start Mojo without updating it by executing the same command without the --update flag. This is the recommended way to start Mojo after it has been stopped or the hardware Mojo was installed on was rebooted.

sudo ./mojo-launcher start mojo

Open your web console with https:// and enter username: admin and password: admin

As always, we recommend changing the password after logging in to meet your specific security requirements.

Update Mojo

If you want to update to a newer version of Mojo, you can update your local images while Mojo is running.

sudo ./mojo-launcher update mojo

This will not bring down your Mojo instance. It will only update the backing Docker images. You will need to restart Mojo for the new images to take effect. Sometimes updates can take some time to migrate data or perform other platform features. Please be patient when updating the Mojo Platform.

sudo ./mojo-launcher restart mojo

Stop Mojo

If you want to stop the Mojo platform, execute the following command:

sudo ./mojo-launcher stop mojo

All persistent data required to re-launch Mojo is present in the installation directory. You can relaunch Mojo at any time as long as the installation directory remains intact.